There are many new things I learn as I often taking pictures of a wedding especially the traditional wedding processions, such as Balinese tradition, Javanese tradition and Chinese tradition like what Sudianto and Suryani had for example. Although there was a modern touch, the culture of their ancestor was still being carried. From the moment of fetching the bride whereas the groom would be getting some pranks, to the tea ceremony (tea pai), it was more like getting to know each other's families better. Many attributes or symbolic processions that if you try to discover they have special meaning to them, and that's all very interesting to be captured. Sudianto lived in Bali and Suryani was originally from Bangka, they chose Bali as their place to hold their wedding. Their wedding reception was held at Hongkong Garden Restaurant so they can accommodate their large number of guests.
Love changes life, makes it more meaningful. Love does not only unite a couple of children of men, but also unites two families. Certainly love is not that small, love is vast and grand, therefore, welcome it from any direction.